Although this isn’t a video to do with cycling (shock horror), it is however a video about exploring and rebelling against the urban city in which we live in.
This video captures the beauty of these urban city areas, the places we’re not supposed to go, the areas that are left to slowly crumble into wasteland.
Since getting a mountain bike my eyes have been opened up to what else there is to be offered away from the cities. Not to say I was narrow minded but it’s easy to become complacent with what’s in front of you and forget about the qualities of exploring!
Adventure Everywhere: New Heights from Trakke on Vimeo.
This video also coincides with a new website and a brand refresh. The brand logo replaced with an elegant ‘T’ apposed to the original ‘Trakke’.
I caught up with Alec a few weeks ago whilst in Glasgow and it seems the small business I once knew is not so small anymore! With a full workshop and employees Trakke is really on the cards for a great year. The subtle rebrand is merely a taster of what’s yet to come!
Check out the new website here