Whilst descending down a hill he lost control and ended up hitting a tree and sustaining some pretty serious injuries. Rob won’t be able to work for a while and the recovery is set to be quite a lengthy one. To help with the financial strains of hospital bills and not being able to work, a charity fund has been setup to soften the impact of such an unfortunate and nasty accident. Donnations Talbot frameworks down in London have also kindly contributed to the cause by auctioning one of their beautiful frame to the highest bidder with all the funds going towards Rob. Talbot Frameworks custom Columbus steel race frame in aid of Rob English
From Rob’s Facebook page – “A week on from the crash, I am still in hospital, but out of intensive care – which means I am on less narcotics, can think a little more clearly, and so am finally able to reach out to say thanks to everyone for the incredible amount of concern and support Misha and I have received over the last week. We have been overwhelmed and humbled by the sheer volume of offers of help and best wishes with all the phone calls, emails and facebook messages. Misha has been doing a great job of responding as much as she can – if you haven’t heard back then please know the contact is very much appreciated; all the messages have been a great source of strength for both of us. It is looking like this will be long road back to full health – nerve damage in my left arm means that it is mostly paralyzed at the moment, just going to have to wait it out. On the good side, my breathing is doing very well, with surprisingly little rib pain considering how many are broken. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all those who gave up their race to stop and help at the roadside (and got attacked by mosquitoes for their troubles): the tandem captain who is an EMT gave me tremendous reassurance, as did my teammates Andrew and Lee. I feel very fortunate that my injuries are not worse, and the immediate care I got definitely helped with that. Also thanks to the ICU and surgical teams at Riverbend for getting me over the worst so quickly. At this point I don’t know when I’ll be able to resume framebuilding – for my customers whose builds are due soon, I’ll be in touch soon to let you know the plan, then will catch up as fast as I can once I get use of my arm back.” Get well soon Rob!