Transcontinental Race

The Transcontinental Race starts in London and finishes in Istanbul – Say it all right? No support,no feed stations and probably no ideal sleeping conditions. I’m blown away by this adventure!

” The Transcontinental is an unsupported Adventure Bicycle Race from London to Istanbul. Riders are autonomous and not bound to one fixed route; they must only visit the mandatory checkpoints below. There is no minimum kit list; the rules only serve to prohibit outside assistance and provide a level playing field. Resupply is permitted at commercially available services only.

The race will be tracked live via SPOT satellite tracking here from 9th August.”

This race, in it’s most primitive form, reminds me of my travels a few years back from France to Spain. It was an incredible feet and a eye opener in how accessible traveling from country to country can be! I’ve been following Charge Bikes team rider Gaby Leveridge on Twitter & Instagram in particular – currently in second place her and Ben Thompson are doing well to keep up the milage regardless of conditions! This is has definitely planeted the seed for a potential adventure next year – the Transcontinental would be something I’d love to be part of! For the minute keep an eye on the Transcontinental website where you can see the live progress of all the riders – Transcontinental Race. Here’s a few pictures of Gaby & Ben’s adventure to date.

1796956_660782820658256_1584688974344823598_o ^ One of the support cars awaiting the start of the race. 10451061_10152311815663099_6638692364447746120_n


^ Gaby’s bike setup.


^ Gaby and Ben Thompson before setting off to the starting line.

Transcontinental Race with Charge Bikes from Charge Bikes on Vimeo.